Friday, December 5, 2008

Darn it!

You know...there are some downsides to hosting a blog with your sig other.
For instance:
I bought Larry a GREAT gift for Christmas! I mean it's awesome I am so happy with my purchase and it's something I think he is really going to love. I ordered it, and it arrived today and I opened it up to make sure it was complete, and it was just perfect! I'm so excited about it, but I can't tell anyone about it.


This may or may not have been to slightly torment you.


The Silver Fox said...

Well, cheer up, Sarah. Even if Maverick Larry was NOT your co-host, it's still a safe bet that he'd FOLLOW your blog, so you STILL couldn't post anything telling us what it is!

Hey, did you just call him your "significant other?" That's worse than a "Pocket Full of Sunshine!"

That's balderda- Hey, wait. It's after midnight. "Balderdash" is SO yesterday, right? How about piffle? Pish-tosh? Gotta save "humbug" for right around Christmas, of course...

Sarah said...

Sig other is not worse than pocket full of sunshine. Stop trying to hide your shame on my blog!!

I know, I was torturing everyone. People always want to know what they are getting others.

I think this is a very unique gift that I hope will not only be a thoughtful surprise but also something he'll enjoy.

Gustavo Larry said...

I've got a small elite team of special forces elves helping me uncover the mystery that is my christmas present.