Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Baking and cuteness!

I made a ton of stuff this past week including two different recipes for Cinnamon Chip Scones and a Blueberry/Raspberry Coffee Cake. Then there's Ava who's just adorable 24-7.


Gustavo Larry said...

You're an amazing creative cooking genius. Ava looks so adorable.

Sarah said...

She is your little girl!!

Sparkle Plenty said...

WOW! Ava is just beautiful! How old is she? :-)

I've been away from baking recently...are cinnamon chips like cinnamon-flavored chocolate chips? One thing I have found out is that BJ's had excellent prices on large quantities of nuts. Hope you avail yourself of the bargains to be had if you haven't already done so!

I will take one of each baked item, please. Put it on my tab.

Sarah said...

Hey Sparkle!

Cinnamon chips are basically compressd cinnamon along with some other things I'm sure. I can find them at a grocery store caled Woodmans here.

Ava's almost 2, she's a handful right at the moment.

They'll be there any minute hot and fresh.

The Silver Fox said...

"I made a ton of stuff this past week including two different recipes for Cinnamon Chip Scones and a Blueberry/Raspberry Coffee Cake. Then there's Ava who's just adorable 24-7."

You BAKED your own KID?!? That's SICK! And she was so cute, too!

(By the way: I'll be spending the next week or two reading all the blogs I haven't had time to read lately. This means I'll be making comments on old posts and ticking everybody off. Oh, what fun!)

Sarah said...

But she was delicious!!