Monday, August 18, 2008

texting can be dangerous...

It really can be...especially when you program your best girlfriends number in incorrectly...and then proceed to send her text messages about being in emerg...and "They made me take off all my clothes, good thing I'm wearing cute panties!"
Yeah, not so much fun when that person is texting you back instead of your friend wondering who the heck you are and why you're texting them about panties...

Well at least Belin had a good chuckle out of it.

FYI my leg is pretty swollen again and I'm having all kinds of spasms in my left knee. So looks like I'll be making a doctors appointment tomorrow.


Sparkle Plenty said...

Aw, man. You tell Clotty to stop kicking up a ruckus. (Longer comment on previous post.)

Sarah said...

I know right! Clotty is such a pain in my...leg.

Okay okay bad pun.