Friday, November 21, 2008


What happens if you're scared half to death twice?


Sparkle Plenty said...

Can't think of witty reply to witty question. BUT: I LOVE "Hey Diddle Diddle!" You do a darn fine rendition! And, I imagine you've been doing it pretty much non-stop for the last while?! ("AGAIN?")

Sarah said...

Oh goodness you have NO idea! I almost threw that book out. She says "one to time?" which means one more time...but she doesn't know the meaning. Since as soon as I am done she says: AGAIN! ONE TO TIME?! PWEEEEASE MOMMA!

It's the Pwease that gets you really...

The Silver Fox said...

Blogger David'Z RantZ said...

"What happens if you're scared half to death twice?"

I'm not sure, but I think it just means that you live, but need to change your underwear.

Unless the "twice" means "twice in rapid succession." Then you're toast.