Saturday, July 4, 2009

Bugga Bugga Cupcakes!

So I signed up to make a treat for Church this weekend. We have a fellowship time, where there are baked goods, coffee and lemonade.
Of course I couldn't resist doing something cool for the kids, thus I made Bugga Bugga cupcakes. Ava is responsible for the name. She calls bugs Bugga Bugga and I think it's too cute so I borrowed the name for my cupcakes.

Actually I bought the rights to use it from her. All it took was three cupcakes. She's a hard bargainer!

Bugga Bugga's getting ready for faces!!

Patiently applying the Bugga Bugga faces.

Aww look at those smiles!

The Butterflies have sparkles!!

And the caterpillars were dusted with gold.


Gustavo Larry said...

Those look so cute. I love the bugga bugga.

Sarah said...

I know it's your favourite! Which Bugga Bugga do you want me to save for you?